The MOUSE in our HOUSE!!

Just last week we had a MOUSE in our HOUSE!!! I had thought I heard one earlier but chalked it up to the noise the blinds make on the windows when they are open, but when I saw it run across my foot, I knew he was real and I had a problem. He ran into my sister’s room, and I shut the door and went to work; all the while dreading her return home from out of town that Monday. I bought traps, and then let him out the next day – I have a friend that put a guilt trip on me for leaving the mouse in there. (Oddly enough, I wasn’t as concerned as long as I knew he was confined to HER room, and not my own. How selfish can I be!)

After a couple of false alarms Monday night, Sarah wakes me up at 4:00 A.M. with “Anna, I heard the mouse, and this time I SAW HIM!!!!” Sure enough, he had his tail and two feet stuck on the trap and was frantically trying to disappear under the fridge. She wailed “Kill it, JUST KILL IT!!!!!” I tried to bring the shovel down but couldn’t bring myself to do it, and said “It’s too cute.” She screamed back at me “It’s not cute, IT’S A MOUSE!!” I replied in Christ like fashion J “SHUT UP OR YOU’LL WAKE THE NEIGHBORS!!!!” I put another sticky trap on top so I couldn’t see it, and while she reached from behind with the shovel to hold the moving trap still, I whomped it one with a garden rake. It took three or four whomps before it finally died; after each time, it would let out a loud SQUEAK, we would scream, and Sarah would yell “KILL it just KILL IT!!!” We took it outside and put him in the trash can and the Garbage man blissfully took him away the next day.

After a week of scrubbing, our house was finally clean. We could now walk on our floors barefoot – mice don’t have bladders so everywhere they run....well.... they..... you get the picture. Oddly enough that mouse was a blessing to me. I had been going through some health problems and while thinking about the mouse, I wasn’t worrying at all about what I was going to do about my physical problems. God used that mouse to tell me that He isn’t finished with me yet. For God to still be preparing me to serve Him, encourages me to keep working at God’s will now.

So, Lord, thank you for that mouse, but please, oh please, let our new kitty be enough deterrent to prevent future lessons along those lines.


Anonymous said...

Sarah is right. Kill them!!! Kill them all!!! This cracked me up. I laughed till I cried. I have a house full of girls. I've seen the running and screaming many times.
By their reaction you would think lady bugs fly around with machine guns.
Thank you so much. I needed the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Lady bugs with machine guns???? That is just as funny as this hilarious article! I LOVE it! This is knock your socks off funny!
Mrs. Shaffer

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I'm one of those poor, warped souls who found myself pitying that poor mouse. I'm so glad I didn't have to hear his poor death squeaks!(and yes, I know they are filthy varmints.) Very funny story none the less, especially b/c I could picture you telling it for real. =)

Anonymous said...

I once killed a mouse as well. My lovely kitty brought me the prize early one morning. I chased the crazy mouse and finally was able to trap it with my Bible. The Word of God is powerful...!!! I brought the hammer down on it but I will NEVER forget having to do that! YUCK! I know every good gift and every perfect gift cometh from above and NOT MY CAT!!!