What A Day!

There are some things in life that are just plain funny! While there are other things that seem funny at first…. until you put yourself into the situation and then they seem crazy and even a bit outrageous!

That is exactly what I experienced today. It’s July 1st. Posting day for our ladies blog. Now, you need to know that I do not personally post the blog on the Internet. I write, but I do none of the mechanics on our ladies blog. I leave that to the capable hands of our blog administrator, Rachael. Today we were both up bright and early to get this all day job done, when the unexpected happened.

In the ten months that we have been involved with this ministry to women, Rachael and I have seen how Satan loves to interfere with the process. We know he doesn’t like the content because it’s Biblical and he hates our God! We have also seen how God has paved the way, interceded on our behalf and has more than blessed this endeavor done for His glory alone.

We have learned to keep a “merry heart” in the midst of the difficulties because it’s God’s business anyway and He has always seen us through. We’ve faced some pretty intense situations in trying to post a new month, but today took the prize for sure!

We had barely gotten started when I received a call from my right arm, Rachael. “I’m having some pain and I think I might have a bladder infection”, she relates to me. “My husband is taking me in to the hospital and I’ll take my laptop with me and continue to post the blog while I’m gone.” I’m thinking, “How does one do that?” Well, you just have to know Rachael.

Forty-five minutes later she calls me back with, “I don’t have a bladder infection after all. I’m definitely in labor!” WHAAAAT? Oh my, does this ever change the landscape! At first I wanted to laugh. How hilarious is this? It’s the very scenario that we both talked about, that would be the absolute WORST thing that could happen to both of us! No more laughing for us now! Now we pray!

The Doctor then encourages Rachael not to go home, but to start walking. Walk at the mall, walk outside….just walk. What does our Rachael do? She (with her faithful, patient husband Dylan), heads to Caribou Coffee to plug into the Internet, because she has work to do!! You just have to know our Rachael.

She begins to post once again and continues to send a quick email my way that says, “This column is up!” I’m sitting here at my computer at home thinking, “Is she all right?” I’m picturing her doubled over one of the tables at Caribou coffee, hanging on to the sides of the table for dear life, while enduring every contraction (they were two minutes apart), with people watching this crazy woman work as she is going through labor!! Now, I don’t know about you, but this almost sounds like slapstick comedy to me! Craziness for sure! You just have to know our Rachael.

By this point, I’m thinking…she’s a better woman than I am. How many women would have said, “Phooey on the blog! It will have to wait. I’m going to have a baby!”

About two hours later (without having done any walking by the way), she emails this note to me. “We are headed to the mall to walk now…I honestly have to start moving. We’ll head to Aurora (the hospital) in about an hour or hour and a half.”

Well, duh!!!!

The little baby boy about to be born, has no idea what a strong and focused mommy he has! She is strong about doing the right things and focused on the eternal. Just every once in a while she loses it all and does something ridiculous like posting the ladies blog while trying to have a baby. But…you just have to know our dear Rachael.


Anonymous said...

This one wins the gold!!!
Way to go Rachael your the winner!
I love the article - we needed some smiles today!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rachael! New definition for dedication, like Pastor said last week! God did work it out, though, didn't He: the blog got done, you were ok, the baby's ok. I suppose it shouldn't amaze me like it does - we know that God is good and takes care of us! No more complaining from me when there's work to be done and I "just don't feel like it"!! You are a major blessing Rachael,thanks for letting God use you! I so love you!

JoAnna Stinar said...

Wow, and lotsa AMENS - Thank You Rachael for your love and dedication to God's work, and that you have learned the skills to be able to use technology to your advantage. I'm blessed by reading many parts of the blog this morning! may God Bless you today with something special, just for you.