A Smelly Situation

When I was five years old, my parents moved into the house that they still live in today. The place where I grew up, was a little three street neighborhood, surrounded by trees and fields of grass. My friends and I played in those fields and forests; riding bikes, playing hide and seek, and sledding in the winter. As I grew into adulthood, businesses grew up around our little hamlet. A two story mall went in, and then a huge movie theater, new roads and more and more businesses began to spring up.

With all of this "progress", came a problem that many areas in America have also experienced. The wildlife that lived in those empty fields and forests, began to move into the backyards of the houses in my parent's neighborhood. They have had ducks nesting in their garden (they actually had eggs in the nest), and have had lots of trouble with squirrels, raccoons, and even deer that damaged the buildings and birdfeeders.

My dad is a practical man, and would put up with none of this. So he began to set traps for the animals. When he caught them, he would take them to a friend’s home in the country and set them free. He has caught ten squirrels, one raccoon and one bunny rabbit so far this year.

Since men and hunting go together, this provided a little adventure in my Dad's life! It also provided no end of frustration for my mom! (Why do men have to catch these critters?) That was, until one morning when my mom looked out and saw another animal in the trap.

This time-- a black animal with a white stripe! When my dad went out to check the trap, he found what my mother was dreading - a skunk! This was the first time any such animal had found its way into my dad's trap, and they were at a loss as to how to deal with it.

They called an organization called Wildlife Wranglers, who told them how to deal with the animal, with safety to the handler and for the animal. So my parents headed out to find a large plastic container and my dad got to the task of removing the offending animal from their property. He instructed my mom that it all would have to be handled very quickly! Yup - that's a good bit of advice! So, my mom, the true helpmeet that she has always been (and she has been!), supported my dad as he completed this unpleasant task, and of course… from inside the house, watching diligently from the window, cheering him on. Mom said she has never seen my dad move so fast before in her life! My 78 year old father saved my mom from the skunk, and was her hero once again! As my mom told me this story over the phone, I laughed myself silly!

Their success was short lived, because two days later, my dad found another skunk in the trap! This one was agitated and would not settle down. My dad lost patience waiting for it to calm down and began to pick up the cage to put it into the container. This time, the skunk, who wasn't very happy about being caught in the cage, took a notion to do what skunks like to do…and sprayed my dad! My mom said that he was covered with little yellow dots of strong, pungent skunk spray. He reeked!

Praise the Lord for the Internet! Mom found information on a website on how to bathe my dad in tomato juice and Simple Green. It did the trick! Dad was once again his sweet smelling self! They also found out on that website, that a skunk can spray accurately up to 15 feet. That's good to know!

Dad – 1 …….Skunks - 1

Another two days went by, and sure enough, just like clockwork, another skunk was found trapped in the critter trap. This is not a joke! My dad, being a whole lot wiser after his smelly brush with an angry skunk, decided this skunk wouldn't get the best of him!

He prepared thoroughly for this escapade! He carefully donned his rain suit, a pair of plastic gloves and a protective face shield! He also fashioned a pole with a groove on the end so he could take care of the trap from a safer distance.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, but my father was the inventor of this idea! Skunk number three was safely stowed in the plastic container, without any incident to it...or to my dad!

As I received each installment of this tale, I shared a good laugh with my Mom! I could see it all as if I were there watching it unfold, and I thought it was all such a hoot! I also realized what a heritage I have been given! I have come to realize that through my whole life, I have seen these little bumps in life’s road, with a sense of humor! My parents taught me that life is an adventure, and humor can be found in almost everything.

Both of my parents will celebrate their birthdays this month. Mom's day is September 22 and she will be 74 and Dad's birthday is September 13 and he will be 79! Happy birthday to you both! I love you more than you can know, and I am so thankful for your care, love, testimony and the heritage you have left behind. I’m also thankful for the “good medicine” that the funny things in life have provided for all of us. Dad, I think I must agree with Mom, that it is wise to leave the skunk handling, to the men folk!


Anonymous said...

This was great! I loved it. I can see this whole thing happening. I can see your mom snickering at the window. So funny!!!
I love you and your family very much. Y'all are alot of fun. Thanks for sharing these moments with us. It brightens my day everytime you write something.

Anonymous said...

This is a great article Janna!

I can really picture each scene! Dad did a great job in his search for getting rid of his univited guests - Know one can laugh after the fact in situations like this - It had to be a fun scene from the kitchen window observing this scene. Especially this man in the wet suit and long pole after this little "pet" - Better put this on funniest video !!!
Thanks Janna for sharing this - We love you and your family -
Audrey Silcox

Anonymous said...

This brought me back to my days growing up in PA. My dad was quit the sportsman and I have stories that parallel with yours. I also realized that your mother and I share a birthday. Thanks for the memories.

Anonymous said...

Oh Janna! You had us laughing to tears as we read your "Good Medicine"! As mentioned in the previous comments, you typed a vivid scene as though we were watching the video! We take time to read the blog on the laptop before bedtime. It's so nice to retire with a chuckle in your heart...

You and your family are precious to us. God Bless YOU!

Tim & Audrey

Anonymous said...

I really love reading this column--it makes my day! Just laughed and laughed! It's so good to know that we can laugh and have fun over the events in others lives and feel like we've experienced it as well! Keep it coming! It seems like lots of these stories involve those creatures God has created. Maybe He created them for such a time as this? Love you and yours so much==Carol

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the smiles!