Always Keep One Foot On The Ground

Siblings can be a source of laughter and frustration while you are growing up, and my sisters were no exception.  I am the oldest of three girls and there are many stories that we tell when we get together, that bring smiles and laughter!  I'm sure that there were some, not-so-good-times, but the ones that are most memorable, are the ones that still make us smile when we think about them again.  You know it will be a funny story when it starts out with… "Janna, do you remember when we were eating lunch, and you made me laugh and green Koolaid came out of my nose..."  Yup, those were good times!

One story that always makes an appearance when we get together involves my middle sister, Jeri.  Jeri was born about five years after I was, and was always, what our Pastor would call, "a goodie-two-shoes-with-a-pair-to-spare".  She was smart, athletic, and always fun to be around.  She also had a quality that all we "Long" girls possessed, and that was, when we were challenged, especially by a male, well...let's just say we probably won't be inheriting the earth!

The incident I'd like to share with you, happened while I was in nursing school and engaged to my husband.  I lived with my family in Kalamazoo, MI and Scott was stationed at F.E. Warren AFB in Cheyenne, WY.  Scott would come and visit me as often as he could, and it was during a summer visit that our story took place.  Jeri was taking Karate classes from the Pastor of the church we were attending, who just happened to be a black belt.  She would practice kicking over our heads all of the time, and would jokingly threaten to kick someone if she felt feisty enough.  It would drive us all nuts just wondering if she'd really do it, but it was also fun to see her so interested in Karate. 

My husband loved to tease my sisters, and they would tease him right back.  He was the big brother that they never had.  This particular day, my husband to be was picking on Jeri, and she retaliated by trying to kick him…. Karate-style.  As she kicked him, my future husband grabbed her foot and would not let go.  So, Jeri, who was standing in our very narrow hallway, and of course would not be outdone, placed each of her hands on either wall to support her weight and then proceeded to try to kick my husband with her other foot!  Unfortunately, this was not a good ninja move, and Jeri's hands slid down the wall and…. Bam!.... she ended up flat on her back looking up at Scott-- who was still holding on to both of her feet! 

Everyone, including Jeri, laughed and laughed over this, and of course the jokes about a "new Karate move" were plentiful!  If my memory serves me correctly, Jeri was a little less anxious to use her ninja moves on anyone else after this incident!  Everyone was relieved! 

We three "Long" girls are married and have children of our own now.  Just today I was telling my students in seventh and eighth grades, to cherish the times that they have with family right now.  These students are all anxious to get on with their lives, as many are at that age, but for me the sweet times of growing up, that I often took for granted, are now my precious memories.  So, we can learn two things from this story:   First, cherish your life and the people that God has put into it and most important...Always try to keep one foot on the ground at all times, when practicing those Karate moves!  Hi-yah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OUCH! That made me laugh. I loved the analogy, family is so important and those "sibling" moments can often be the most cherished.... later on, of course. Thanks Janna for sharing these. I still snicker at the "husband exchange". Love you. GT