Walmart!  Just the name of this shopping Mecca arouses certain feelings and thoughts in our mind, doesn't it?  I don't have a husband or children yet, but every day I do travel to the closest town that has a Walmart, when I go to college.  Inevitably, the shopping list for last minute or emergency items, becomes my responsibility.  I don't mind at all, helping my family out in this way, but I have noticed that there seems to be some kind of magnet that always draws me to Walmart!  No matter how hard I try to avoid it, I always end up at that store!  Since I am there so much, I have come to observe a few things.

One of my observations? Shopping carts!  It seems like everyone goes to Walmart, so most of the time, I end up parking way out in "Wazoo".  Sometimes, I may get "lucky" and find a parking spot close to the door.  Just as I am about to pull into the spot, I see a shopping cart parked in the middle of my desired spot, making parking impossible.  Today I saw a spot that had two abandoned carts!  So…with much disappointment, I ended up parking in "Wazoo" again.

When I finally made it inside the warm store, all of the carts were gone… they were probably outside in the best parking spots!  When I finally did find a cart, it either had really squeaky wheel, or the cart was constantly veering to the left or to the right.  During these times, it almost becomes a wrestling match to keep the cart going straight up and down the narrow aisles!  Fortunately, I'm usually getting just one or two items, so I can carry them in my arms or just grab a basket.  When I was a little girl, I always thought it was funny that people used a basket and not a cart.  Now I understand!

Another of my observations?  People!  To me, people are fun to watch, especially at Walmart!  You have the ladies who are 60 years and older who use their shopping carts as a walker.  Mind you, I'm not making fun of them - for that will be me in a few years...OK, more like 50 years!  Next I take note of the small children that are totally enthralled with something they see on the shelf and don't see you coming.  The mother always  grabs the child out of the way and looks at me apologetically.  I always smile and say, "that's OK!"  That child was me just a few years ago, and the mother could be me in a few more years.  I would want people to be kind and understanding to me.

 Then… you have the label readers! Those astute people who take the time to comparison shop or check out the ingredients, parking themselves right in front of the very item you need!  I find patience and graciousness work best in this situation!  You also have the bored, over anxious cashiers that always ask if you found everything OK.  I always say, "yes", but often wonder what would happen if I told them no!   Hmmm, I might have to try that someday just to see their reaction!  Hope you enjoyed a single girl's excursion to Walmart!

OK… I have to go now and find my car in the land of "Wazoo".  Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car in a very full parking lot.....?  Ahh….Walmart.


Anonymous said...

I loved this Heather !! I am one
of those who use the cart for a walker !!!! But I don't leave in in a perfectly good parking spot !!! going to walmart can be an exciting adventure at times !!!!
Thanks for sharing.. !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh sooo true! Thank you Heather for your perspective of Wal-Mart. I needed a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

If you tell them you didn't find something, most of the time they will call someone to help you find it- and keep you at the register loonnnggger. I found that out by being honest one day ;-)

Anonymous said...

I did "lose" my car one time, it was not where I thought I parked it, and I kept looking and my heart started to race, I was near thinking it had been stolen, and then.......I found it, what a relief! lol I sure did feel silly and wondered how many people noticed me walking around "looking" now I always look at the isle number!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh.... so true! I view Walmart as the land of possibilities. You never know who you'll see (but you will see someone you know!) and you know you'll find someone you know!) and you never know what that "extra" item will be! Thanks for the assurance that I'm not alone!