Oh No! Help! I Need Some Help in Here!

written by Anna Hansen

My friend Rob (not his real name) told me this story of his one and only experience changing a diaper. 

Rob, is a guy in his late twenties, who is around 6 foot three and…well lets just say…he is not skinny.    He's pretty much a big rough and tumble guy with a heart of gold.  Rob's best friend has a baby girl and at the time this story took place, this little darling was five months old.  I will let him tell you his story in his own words.

“Okay… so I was visiting my buddy.  He and his wife told me that they just needed to go to a nearby town for some groceries and shouldn't be gone long .  'Would I mind watching the baby for a few minutes?'  'Sure, no problem' I told them.  The kid was happy and we would just play while they were gone I thought.

She was sitting in this round bouncy chair thing with toys. (play exerciser)   All of a sudden I heard this loud horrible sound… 'Oh no, it can't be' I thought to myself.  Then I took a whiff.  'Really, you didn't.'  Well, I couldn't just leave her sitting in the mess, so I picked her up.

I'd seen my buddy change her diaper a few times, and he told me how to do it. How hard can it be?

I walked her to the changing thing (changing table), and after wrestling with her snappy shirt thing (this is funny, Rob works on cars, and can't figure out a onesie) I finally got the bottom part of it undone.   

My buddy said to just put the new one under her, unstick the gross one and slide it off her. But, it wasn't that way at all.  I unstuck the gross one, and…she was sick!  It wasn't normal poop it was runny…it was all over, up her back..it was…IT WAS IN HER HAIR!!!!”   (Rob's look of sheer horror as he was telling me this part of the story had me laughing so hard I was almost falling off the chair.)  “I was trying hard not to get sick the whole time.  How could something so little smell that awful? 

I just… I just stood there.  I didn't know what to do…. 'Why couldn't you have just peed?' I told her.  Them tiny wipey things weren't going to do much I thought.  I'd have to use a hundred.  Thankfully I heard my buddy arriving home, so I started screaming “HELP!!!  HELP!!!  I NEED SOME HELP IN HERE!  Baby's mom and dad came running in like there was some terrible emergency and when they arrive and see the situation…. they just burst out laughing.

Baby's mom just whisked her away to the shower, and in a few minutes everything was fine.  They told me later that, that was the worst blowout they'd ever seen.”

I love this story shared by Rob.  Sometimes in life we think we are ready for things, and really we should be but often aren't.

When the time comes however and we find ourselves in a situation that we can't handle, God whisks in after hearing our frantic calling, and cleans up our messes without any kind of condemnation.  Isn't it good to know that when we call upon Him in our time of need…that He will be there to help us! God is so good!

1 comment:

Sharry said...

Too funny! I remember those days.
Our God is good and he only gives us what we can handle and when things get over our ability He sends a way out. Praise the Lord!