It’s Not for Sale!

The month of August crept up quickly on me this year! During the month of July, I was gone for three weeks in a row attending camps. When the editor of Beautiful for Thee sent out “heads up, the next month is upon us” e-mail, I found I had nothing funny to share. That is pretty unusual for me, because I find humor in almost every day I live!

Not wanting to let my good friend or the Lord down, I prayed for guidance. (What a novel idea!)
On Saturday, my oldest son, Nick and Kayla, his bride to be, were going to spend time searching out garage sales for a table for their new home. I love to go to garage sales, so I asked if I could tag along. Saturday morning, I got up early, made my way to Grand Forks, met up with my children, and off we went to find those great bargains! The first garage sale we went to was full of things from the 70’. I saw an IBM Selectric typewriter, which I learned to type on when I was in high school. That was a nostalgic moment! It was a cool red color, unlike the drab gray, asylum typewriters that the school purchased. This particular garage sale also had some vintage looking linens, but nothing we needed.

As I wandered through the sea of tables and “organized” piles of used goods for sale, a cool purse caught my eye. It was a muted moss green, and it screamed, “Buy me!!!!” It was LOVE at first sight for that purse! I was about to call out to Kayla to show her the purse, but decided to check out the inside first to see if the lining was clean or worn and dirty.

The first thing I see when I opened the purse was a wallet, car keys and sunglasses. Oh dear…., this was someone’s purse! I stepped back, mortified, and concerned how this might look to others and said, “This isn’t for sale is it?” The man laughed and said, “No I think that someone left their purse on the table.” Now, my mama taught me never to invade another ladies purse unless you have permission so this incident left me feeling like a naughty child! I quickly walked away praying that nothing was missing so I wouldn’t be accused of taking what belonged to someone else! Everyone around us was getting a chuckle out of my blunder, except for my son, who was shaking his head with a, “that’s my crazy Mom” look on his face. Bless his heart!
Here is a good rule for all of us who love to frequent garage sales – Be sure to never leave any personal items on the tables as some crazy, bargain hunting woman might try to buy them!

We didn’t find a table on Saturday nor did I get my green purse, for that matter. But, I had a wonderful and memorable day with my son and his fiancé and that is something you can’t buy at any kind of sale!


Anonymous said...

Very funny! Thank you for the good medicine today. Dianne C.

Anonymous said...

I just love you! You always make me laugh and smile! Thank You!!