Beauty Tip for the Tomboy!

written by Janna Phelps

Just when I think that I am all out of humorous material for this blog, God hands me another funny story on a silver platter!

I must confess, that I am a tomboy at heart. I always have been! I see “girly-girls”, with their painted nails and perfectly coiffed hair and lipstick smiles and say to myself….“That’s just not me!” I don’t begrudge them their phoofy habits. I just don’t understand them! I find that if I attempt to paint my nails, I can’t sit still long enough for the polish to dry and harden. To top that off… within 24 hours of meticulously applying the nail polish, the carefully painted polish is chipped and damaged and all of that time I spent on my nails was in vain!

I explain all of this so you will understand my humorous little tale.

Life’s calendar tells me that I am nearing the end of my 40th decade. There are some “girly” things that I have never done! Two weeks ago I had a first! I had never waxed my eyebrows – never! I’ve never had it done professionally, nor had I ever tried to do it to myself. (Why inflict purposeful pain on one’s own body!)

One of my friends recently asked me if I had ever waxed my eyebrows, (surely she could tell I hadn’t! They looked like a wheat field that had run amuck!). I took it that she was kindly telling me that I needed to pay a little closer attention to my appearance. I wasn’t at all angry, in fact I was touched that she would care enough to give me a hint.

So, I went to the store, alone, and bought my first jar of hair removal wax. That was an adventure in itself!
At home, I carefully read the directions, which, when you are dealing with hot, sticky substances that go on the skin, it is a really good idea to carefully read the directions! It called for microwave time in 30 second increments…. which, I’m sorry to say, took forever! Finally I just left it in the microwave for a full minute and as the French would say, ‘voila’, it was ready! I carefully, and with fear and trepidation (this is where a daughter would have come in handy!), I put the hot wax under the eyebrow of my right eye. “Piece of cake”, I thought! It went right where I wanted it, and after it cooled, I carefully peeled the wax off and the results were great! I began to wonder why I hadn’t done this before!

Now, to do the left eyebrow. I put some of the wax on my spatula, lifted it to my left brow and… “bloop”, it dropped from the spatula on to my eyelid and into my lashes! Great! My first thought was, “I am going to rip my eyelid off and have to spend 6 months in eyelid rehab learning how to blink again!” I spent the next half hour carefully removing the cooled, hardened wax from my eyelid and lashes. When I looked in the mirror, I could see that I was lopsided! One brow was perfect and the other eyebrow was a train wreck! I did go back and finish the second eyebrow, but I needed a few days to work up the courage to attempt it again!

Now I look in the mirror at my “tomboy” face and see that I have lovely arched eyebrows that look like I went to a salon!

My big attempt at being a “girly-girl” left me with great story that still makes me smile. Why would anyone in their right mind purposefully put hot wax on their face and rip out little hairs?! What fun life can be sometimes! Don’t look for this tomboyish, “girly-girl” wanna be in the beauty section of Walmart any time soon… I think my solo eyebrow waxing days are through!


Anonymous said...

You Go girl !! You are a hoot !

Love you bunches !
You are an absolute joy and a
great friend !

Mrs. S said...

You are so funny Janna! I love you..."wheat field" and all!

Anonymous said...

Very funny! I've never noticed your eyebrows before. I will now.
I love you Janna. Dianne C.

Aubrie Williams said...

Haha... I had a sweet friend (as a birthday gift) pay for my first trip to a salon to get my eyebrows waxed. I just love friendly hints. By the way, I've never been back since. Tee hee!

Ginger T. said...

That was great! They are trying to get me too! Ruuuuuuuuuuuun!
I love you bunches!! Sure hope you will pardon me if you find me comparing your brows now. Never even noticed! LOL

Mrs. S said...

Isn't it neat how when we truly love someone we don't even notice the "not so pretty things" about each other? That's what real love does. True love really is blind.