A Merry Heart = A Continual Feast

Face powder may help catch a man, but it’s the baking powder that holds him!

Adam and Eve had an ideal marriage: he didn’t have to hear about all the men she could have married: she didn’t have to hear about the ways his mother cooked.

It’s a funny thing but true,
The folks you don’t like…don’t like you.
I don’t know why this should be so,
But just the same I always know
that when I’m sour, friends are too.

I sometimes get up in the morn
a-wishin’ I was never born,
And then I make cross remarks, a few,
And then my family wishes, too,
That I had gone some other place;
But then I change my little tune,
And sing and smile,
And then the folks around me sing and smile.

I guess it was catching all the while.
It’s a funny thing but true,
The folks you like….sure like you.


Anonymous said...

Made me smile! Dianne C.

Tanu said...

Its so true... beautiful :)