You Said What?!?!

submitted by Rachael Coe

We have a great church with some very intelligent “little” people in it. They are real thinkers and some of what we as parents are trying to instill in them can come out just a little … can I say….twisted?

Here is just a little taste of the “wisdom” that some of our parents hear from time to time from their offspring:

Kami, age 3 – “Mommy, do you know why we have ears?” Mommy asks “Why?”, Kami replies, “So
we can hear. Do you know why we have eyes”? Mommy asks “Why?” Kami replies “So we can see.”
Mommy looks at her, thinks for a moment, and says, “Why do you have a nose”? Kami pauses, thinks,
and then says “Boogers!”

Tasha, age 8 – “Wait is a virtue.”

Tanna, age 10 – “How much does elbow grease cost?”

Gracie, age 3 – “Look, mommy! I’m a basket case!”

On the way to town one day, one of our moms had this conversation with her 4 year old:

Vince: Mommy, have you ever been eaten by a dinosaur?
Mommy: NO, can't say that I have.
Vince: Have you ever been eaten by a whale?
Mommy: NO, not a whale either.
Vince: Do you know anyone that has ever been eaten by a whale?
Mommy: Yes, Jonah was eaten by a whale
Vince: No, I mean a real person!

Ariana, age 3 - "Is this me size?"

Tanna, age 10 - "You can't separate us because ‘a brother is born for
adversity' and if you separate us, I can't be her adversity!"

"I'm always thinking about something. I'm just not always paying attention to it."

One Mom has learned to compromise: “When Coleman was very little, he fell down and hurt his bottom. He came to me crying and looking for some Mommy lovin' to make it all better. He toddled up to me holding his hand on his bottom and said..."Kiss it, Mommy". (This is when I discovered that kissing my finger and touching the hurt area with my finger works too sometimes.)

For her 3rd birthday, one of our little girls received matching dresses for herself and her dolly. She was all dressed up in her new Sunday dress and holding her dolly when this conversation happened:

Gracie: “Mommy can take my dolly to church?”
Mommy: “Yes, but she can not go to Sunday School with you. She must sit in Sunday School with mommy and daddy like a good dolly.”
Gracie: “Mommy, she is just little like me. God is leading me to take her to Sunday School.”

Oh my! What wisdom out of the mouth of babes!

On the way home from church one day, Vince (age 3) was telling us all about Joseph from the Bible. He was very excited to show his mommy the craft he made of Joseph and his coat of many colors. He did a very good job coloring it. His mommy asked him, "Where did Joseph get his coat of many colors?" His reply: "From Miss Michele." (His Sunday School teacher at the time.)

Listening to the chatter of these little ones is indeed… GOOD MEDICINE!


Anonymous said...

Indeed - it is good medicine:) These wonderful children make me smile :)

Mrs. S said...

Funny and precious at the same time!!

Anonymous said...

They are adorable!