It Pays to Pay Attention!

Don't you just love hearing about someone else's most embarrassing moment? As humiliating as they can be at the time, they often cause us to laugh and smile over it later!  I remember just such an incident that happened during a church service in our old church building.  It always makes me smile when I remember it!  I would like to share it with you now.

 As our church grew, and space became more precious, the ever faithful members of our church would generally choose to sit in the same places.  It was just easier that way, because finding a place for your whole family to sit was often like trying to put a puzzle together and finding the right fit.   My family sat in the back, behind another family who we have always loved.  The man, who we will call "Fred", and my husband, are often confused for one another.  His wife who we will call "Freida" and myself, are often mistakenly called by each other's names as well.  None of us understand why this happens.  It just does!

This particular Sunday, I had gone to the altar to take care of some business with my Lord.  Our altar call is usually a very somber and serious time, with a hymn of invitation played softly by our pianist.  As I began to walk back to my pew, and as I always do, I kept my eyes down in respect of other people's privacy who were also dealing with their heart before the Lord.  When I got to what I thought was my husband Scott, I pushed on his back, as I always do to let him know I was back, and he needed to move forward so I could slip behind him and back to my seat.  This time he didn't move.  I thought to myself, "What is the matter with this man?  Why won't he move?"  I frustratedly looked up in to the face of...Fred!  Fred hissed under his breath, "Mrs. Phelps!!"

Oh….dear!!  Horror washed over me as I understood the reality of what I had just done!  My sweet husband heard the quiet commotion taking place in front of him and immediately realized I needed his aid right away!  He grabbed me and gently pulled me into our pew.  We stood there holding on to each other, shaking in silent laughter.  I was laughing so hard I was afraid I would snort out loud!   Now, Freida, standing in the back of our sanctuary was watching the whole thing with quiet amusement.  She told me later that she wondered if her husband was actually going to move and let me slip behind! 

We all had a great laugh after the service that day, and many times since then when the story happens to be retold.  I am very, very careful now when I take that return trek back to my pew after a trip to the altar to get things right with God.  I have learned to pay attention to who I am trying to sit with, all the while, still careful to be respectful of other's privacy.

Over the years, this precious family has become like our own family, and we grow to love them more and more each day!  Now that we have a larger sanctuary to worship in, "Fred and Freida" now sit on the opposite side of the building as we do.  I wonder why......


Anonymous said...

This is sooooo funny! I'm still laughing and it's the next day! I'm not sure I would have been able to show my face to "Fred" again.
So hilarious. Thanks for telling this story!

Anonymous said...

Another great laugh brought to us by the wonderful and funny Mrs Phelps!
"Hawk-ka-nah Mode-dee-oddee-eechee!"

Anonymous said...

Would love to meet "Fred & Freida"!
Great story!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh! I needed it!

Anonymous said...

Dear Janna, This really was funny.
We miss the good ole days when it was hard to find a place to sit at church.
What an adventure. Thank you for sharing this memory. It made us laugh all over again.
We love you and your family more than ever....Fred and Freida :0)

p.s. Speaking of funny things that happen during invitations... Do you remember the time that one of the ladies was returning to her seat and the heel of her shoe got stuck in the heater vent. That was funny too.

Anonymous said...

thats too funny! I laughed my head off! Wow! I am so afraid I am going to do that when I go forward! lol. Thanks for sharing!

Sharry said...

Thanks Janna,

You are so precious to me. Keep up the good humor. Can't wait to see next month's "Good Medicine". You keep us all very healthy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Janna- I always look forward to the next "eposode" for Janna !!! So good when we learn to laugh at ourselves !!! I love your story and for a good laugh! You are a joy and blessing !

love you,